Trump at a Rally:
“Alright, alright, folks, listen up! You’re about to hear something that’s going to blow your mind, okay? We’ve been hearing a lot of talk about mental health, and let me tell you—nobody understands mental health better than me, okay? I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. And I’m here to tell you today—we’re going to make delusional behaviour great again! DBGA! That’s right, folks, we’re bringing delusion back! The best kind of delusion!”
(The crowd looks around, some people nodding as they try to figure out whether it’s a joke or a new policy initiative.)
“Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, ‘Wait a minute, Trump, what are you talking about? Delusion? That’s not normal.’ And I say, ‘Folks, normal is overrated, okay? We’ve been too focused on reality, and look where it’s gotten us. Nowhere. We need a new reality, a reality where everything is possible, where nothing is impossible. A delusional reality! And it’s going to be tremendous.”
(A few people look at each other, unsure if they should be applauding or calling for help.)
“Think about it, folks. Delusional behavior is the key to success. You want to be a winner, right? You’ve got to believe things that other people say are impossible. I’ve done it my whole life—believing things that are so big, so huge, people said, ‘You’re crazy!’ And I said, ‘I’m not crazy, I’m just delusional—in the best possible way!’ And that’s why I’m here today to tell you that we’re going to make delusion the new standard. The new gold standard! The best standard!”
(Someone in the crowd yells, “But isn’t that just being insane?” Trump points at him enthusiastically.)
“Exactly! But let me tell you, being ‘insane’—that’s just what they want you to believe. They want you to be afraid of thinking big, folks. But not me. I’m telling you—delusion is the future. You want a new car? You’ve already got it. You want to live on the moon? It’s already happening, okay? We’re going to build a moon base, and it’s going to be so luxurious, you won’t believe it. And it’s going to be tremendously cheap. People will be like, ‘How did he do that?’ And I’ll say, ‘Because I believed it.’”
(A woman in the front row raises her hand, asking, “But how are we going to afford a moon base?” Trump waves her off.)
“Simple, folks. You just have to believe it’s possible. Once you believe, the money will come. It’ll just appear. That’s how it works, folks. You’ve got to manifest it. Visualize it, and it happens. Believe me, it’s going to be the biggest thing ever. And guess what? We’re going to give everyone free space suits! That’s right, folks, free space suits for everyone! You’ll all be walking around in your shiny new suits, saying, ‘Wow, I never thought this would be real. But it is!’”
(The crowd is starting to chant, “DBGA! DBGA!” with excitement as the vision of a delusional future starts to take hold. Some are already imagining moon vacations.)
“We’re going to build cities in the sky, folks. You’ll be flying to work in your personal jetpacks every morning. You won’t even need roads. You won’t need them, okay? The roads? Gone. We’re going straight to the skies. And don’t worry, folks—we’re going to make flying cars happen. I know people are saying it’s impossible, but guess what? Nothing’s impossible when you believe. It’s going to be beautiful, just like everything else we’ve done. And if you want to live in a floating palace in the clouds? It’s yours—just believe it, folks. Believe it!”
(Someone in the back yells, “But where are the flying cars supposed to go?” Trump looks at him, bewildered.)
“Who cares, buddy? That’s not the point! The point is, we believe it. And when you believe in something big enough, you can make it happen. Just like I did with the wall. The biggest wall. And we’re gonna make that wall float too. Floating walls, folks! Just think about that for a second. The greatest floating wall ever. It’ll be so incredible, you won’t even be able to see it. It’ll be the invisible wall—the best kind of wall!”
(The crowd starts chanting “Invisible! Invisible!” as they picture an enormous invisible wall floating majestically in the sky.)
“So get ready, folks. Delusional behaviour is going to be the new American way. We’re going to dream big, believe big, and make the impossible happen. Delusion is the key to greatness. You’ll be living in floating castles on the moon, driving jetpacks to work, and manifesting everything you’ve ever wanted. It’s going to be so huge, you won’t even believe it. Believe me, folks, you won’t believe it!”
(The crowd erupts in cheers, chanting “DBGA! DBGA!” as they imagine their impossible, delusional futures.)
“Let’s make delusional behaviour great again, folks! And remember—if you can’t see it, it’s probably working! Believe me!”
(Trump waves as the crowd continues chanting, already making plans to order invisible flying cars and floating castles.)