Tuesday, 11 March 2025

"Make Wrong Answers Great Again!" by ChatGPT

Trump Rally: "Make Wrong Answers Great Again!"

“Folks, I’m here to tell you something very important, something nobody else is brave enough to say. Being wrong is great. It’s tremendous. And we’re going to make wrong answers great again. Believe me, I’ve been wrong so many times, and I’ve been better for it. Some people say, ‘Mr. Trump, isn’t it better to be right?’ And I tell them, wrong! Being wrong is the best thing you can be. Confidence beats correctness every single time!”

(The crowd cheers, some shouting “Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!” in support.)

“Think about it. Who do people remember? The boring guy with the right answer? No. Nobody remembers him. But the person with the wrong answer, said with confidence—that’s the person who gets things done. That’s the person who changes the world! Columbus? Wrong about where he was going, folks. But did he back down? No! He stuck with his wrong answer all the way to America. That’s called winning through wrongness, folks.”

(A few people in the crowd nod, genuinely impressed by this logic.)

“And you know what? The experts hate it. They’re all about being right. These so-called ‘scientists’ and ‘fact-checkers’—total losers. They say, ‘Oh, Mr. Trump, that’s not how it works.’ But you know what I say to them? Who cares? If you say something wrong enough, with enough style, people will believe it! And believing is half the battle, folks.”

(The crowd bursts into applause, with chants of “Believe the wrong!” starting up.)

“Look at fake news. They love pointing out when I’m wrong. But let me tell you, folks, fake news is always wrong. And somehow, I’m the bad guy? They say, ‘Trump, you got the number wrong, you got the date wrong, you got the country wrong.’ Well, guess what? The right number, date, and country didn’t get me elected, did they? Being right is overrated.”

(A man in the front row, wearing a “Facts are for losers” T-shirt, leaps to his feet in triumph.)

“And let me tell you something else. When you’re wrong, you’re unpredictable. Nobody sees it coming. It’s called keeping them on their toes. You say the wrong thing, and suddenly people are talking about you for weeks. Months, even. That’s power, folks. Power through wrongness.”

(The crowd roars, some waving signs that read “Wrong Is Right!” and “Confidently Incorrect!”)

“So here’s the plan: We’re going to teach our kids that being wrong is okay. No more of this ‘correct answer’ nonsense in schools. Teachers will say, ‘What’s 2 + 2?’ And the kid says, ‘5.’ And you know what the teacher will say? ‘Great job!’ Because it’s not about the answer, folks. It’s about the attitude. A kid with confidence who says 5 is already ahead of the kid who’s unsure about 4. That’s the Trump way.”

(Parents in the crowd start cheering, some yelling, “Teach the wrong!”)

“We’ll make wrong answers so great that they’ll be better than the right answers! People will say, ‘Wow, he’s so wrong, he must be a genius!’ That’s how we’ll do it, folks. Wrongness will be the new smart. And under my leadership, we’re going to make wrong answers the pride of America. Thank you, and God bless!”

(The crowd erupts in cheers, chanting “Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!” as Trump waves triumphantly, basking in his unapologetic wrongness.)