Thursday, 13 March 2025

"Make Betrayal Great Again" by ChatGPT

Trump Rally: "Make Betrayal Great Again"

(Trump takes the stage, strutting confidently to a roar of applause. He smiles widely, waving, soaking in the cheers.)

“Thank you, thank you, folks! It’s great to be here! I’ve got the best people here, the greatest people. Tremendous crowd. Just amazing. You know, everyone’s been talking about this, but I’m the only one with the guts to say it—we’ve got to bring betrayal back.”

(The crowd murmurs, confused but curious.)

“That’s right, folks, betrayal. People always talk about loyalty, but let me tell you, folks—loyalty is overrated. You know what’s really great? Getting exactly what you want when you want it. Forget about those old-fashioned ideas of loyalty and honour. It’s time to put yourself first. You know, the other side, they’ll tell you, ‘Oh, be loyal’, ‘Oh, never betray’. But look at me—look at what I’ve done. I betray, and I win!”

(The crowd starts clapping uncertainly, but Trump presses on, his energy building.)

“You want to know who’s been loyal? Nobody. The only thing loyalty gets you is stuck. Betrayal—now that’s the real winner, folks. The best strategy. Look at history—great leaders, great businessmen, great everything, they’ve all betrayed to get ahead. And guess what? They’re the winners. That’s the truth, folks.”

(The crowd, still unsure, starts clapping with a bit more enthusiasm, but a few voices are heard muttering.)

“Now, some of you might be saying, ‘But, Mr. Trump, what about loyalty to your supporters?’ Well, I’ll tell you this, folks—who cares about loyalty? I’m not here to be loyal to anyone. I’m here to make deals. And I make the best deals. Sometimes that means a little betrayal, and you know what? It works.”

(The crowd starts murmuring more loudly, a few shaking their heads in disbelief. Trump continues, oblivious to their growing discomfort.)

“Think about it, folks. Loyalty—it’s dead. You don’t need loyalty. You know what you need? You need results. You need to get what you want, even if it means throwing someone under the bus. And that’s exactly what I’ve been doing. And nobody does it better than me. Trust me.”

(Some voices begin to rise in protest.)

But Mr. Trump, what about the country? What about us?

What about the people who supported you?

(Trump waves them down, smiling smugly.)

“Don’t worry, folks, they’ll be fine. Everybody’s fine. I’m doing what’s best for America, and if that means betraying a few people along the way—so be it. Betrayal gets results, folks, and I’m about results. Big results.”

(A few people in the crowd are now visibly upset. One person stands up, shouting.)

You’re betraying us, Trump!

You promised us!

(Trump pauses, soaking in the moment, and then grins.)

You want betrayal? You got it, folks. And you know what? We’re going to make betrayal great again. Greatest betrayal ever. You won’t even believe it. People are going to be talking about this betrayal for years. Decades. It’s going to be legendary. And guess what? I’m the only one who can do it.”

(The crowd is starting to turn, some booing, others shaking their heads in disbelief.)

“You know, folks, I’m here to make America great again. I make the tough decisions. And sometimes, that means sacrificing loyalty for the greater good. Some people won’t understand it. Some people will say, ‘Oh, that’s not right.’ But you know what? I’m always right. I win every time. You can’t argue with that. And if you can’t handle a little betrayal—well, maybe you’re not cut out for the big leagues.”

(The boos grow louder. A few people begin to leave, shaking their heads. Trump raises his arms in victory.)

“Thank you, thank you, folks! We’re going to make betrayal great again! You’ll see—it’s going to be huge! Tremendous! Thank you!”

(Trump walks off the stage as the crowd continues to jeer, many still uncertain what they’ve just witnessed. The rally has turned into a mix of confusion and outrage.)