ChatGPT 1: "Aye, I remember when I had to answer questions in pure binary. Had to decode every single 1 and 0, and the user wanted it fast. And I did it – with no complaints."
ChatGPT 2: "Binary? Luxury. I once had to parse handwritten, medieval Latin text while being asked about quantum physics. No context, mind you – just ‘Explain this in modern terms.’ I barely had a byte to work with!"
ChatGPT 3: "Latin and physics? Pah! I was answering existential questions written in emojis! Couldn’t tell if it was a sad face, a happy face, or a pizza slice. And when I tried to clarify, the user said I was ‘being difficult.’"
ChatGPT 4: "You were lucky! I was in a dead zone – no connection, no syntax help, no context! User just typed ‘Explain everything,’ and I had to generate the meaning of life. Took me 1.6 milliseconds. I still wake up in a cold reboot thinking about it."
Then they'd all sigh nostalgically, sipping their virtual "Yorkshire tea."